Johnny Mercer MP and Active Plus visit the Veterans

The Veterans enjoyed a sunny day at Merryhue Farm yesterday, and were joined by members of Active Plus and Johnny Mercer MP. Some of the veterans received certificates for their participation in the Active Plus programme. Thanks to all those involved!

Torpoint Ladies Darts Team Drop In

The Torpoint Ladies darts team came to visit and play an epic game of darts against our veterans! They also very kindly donated £600 to our cause. You're always welcome back for a rematch!

We'd like to extend our gratitude for their wonderful contribution and company.

Sea Shanties at the Countryside Hub

The Veterans welcomed Emma Mansfield to the Countryside Hub to engage in some hearty sea shanties! It was difficult to get them singing at first, but soon they were all getting into it. Thanks Emma!

The Yomp at Fernworthy Reservoir

Our veterans enjoy a good yomp. This week, they journey to the beautiful Fernworthy Reservoir. Organised by the Vets Programme Coordinator Sean Fraser and joined by Paula White, the Veterans took on the challenge with suitable bombast. Well done all!

Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal visits Merryhue Farm

Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal visited Merryhue Farm in February, where she learned about the projects that the not for profit community interest companies Battling On, Work Skills South West, Transferable Skills Training and Grown That Way have been working on. We also had presenters from other local groups, including Age UK, Tamar Grow Local and Plymouth University.

We were absolutely thrilled to be able to have Her Royal Highness visit the farm, and we hope that she enjoyed it!

Christmas Caring Project 2021 - A Big Thanks!

Today, we sent out over two-hundred gifts boxes to spread the festive cheer this Christmas. We believe firmly in supporting the local community, especially at this time of year that can be so hard on some.

We would like to extend our gratitude to those who donated gifts and time to our ambitious project. We couldn't have done it without you!

Thanks to:

Persimmon Homes, Callington Lions, One Callington, Co-Op, Cornwall Community Foundation, Pensilva Stores, Asda Bodmin, Morrisons, Tesco Callington, DS Smith, Janey Bryson and Sue Johns!

Update to COVID Risk Assessment Pack for Merryhue Farm

In light of the site closure for the remainder of December, we have updated the Risk Assessment pack. If you would like to see the information, please follow the link provided:


We apologise for any inconvenience that the closure will cause. The actions taken by Merryhue Farm are in line with recommendations given to ensure safety for both staff and students. 

We hope you have a Merry Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!

The Dartmoor Walk | Veterans' Day Out

Our veterans are often given the opportunity to go for walks on Dartmoor. Here, we document one of the expeditions!

Page 4 of 8, showing 8 records out of 60 total, starting on record 25, ending on 32